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Japan Trademark Application

Instant Fee 
Calculator: Filing Trademarks in Japan


Step 1. Please have a trademark application filed in a country other than Japan on hand.
      Note:  If you do not have a trademark application or a trademark registration on hand, you may not be able to enter correct values in the text boxes below.


Step 2. Does the mark include drawings, symbols or graphic letters?
      Mark includes drawings, symbols or graphic letters?
           No Yes


Step 3. Do you know which international or Japanese classifications the goods or services you wish to register belong in?  If you do, please enter how many international classifications they belong in.  If you are not sure, please enter an estimate.
     Number of classifications= classifications     
       Note: If you are not sure, enter a number anyway, and answer the following questions.  Also, use the search system of the Japanese Patent Office.


Step 4. Are the goods or services very particular?  Do they require detailed explanation at the time of filing?
      Need detailed explanation? No  Yes


Step 5. Enter the number of days left before the application deadline.
      Number of days to deadline = days
    Note: If we have only 6 days or less, there will be a rush surcharge.
Step 6. Would you like a trademark search conducted before filing?  How soon would you like the result?
   Conduct trademark search  No  Yes
   Days allowed for trademark search = days 
  Note: If you want the result back within 6 days, there will be a rush surcharge.  If you wish to search by yourself, go to the search system of the Japanese Patent Office.


Step 7. Would you like to claim a Paris Convention priority right?
  Claim Paris Convention priority right? No  Yes
  Number of priorities =



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