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Subaru Cherry Blossom Festival of Greater Philadelphia

Cherry Blossom Festival

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Subaru Cherry Blossom Festival of Greater Philadelphia, a project of the Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia.  Keisen Associates, a Japanese Patent Law Firm with offices in Tokyo, Osaka, and Philadelphia,  actively supports this wonderful cultural event and hope our friends and colleagues in the Philadelphia area will take part.

The festival begins April 9 and will go on for two weeks making this the longest-lasting festival of its kind in the U.S. in terms of number of days. Some of the events include a sushi spectacular, sake tasting, a kimono show, tea ceremony, traditional drum performances, and more. (click here  for a complete listing of events.) The festival also coincides with the Philadelphia Film Festival, and several Japanese films by promising new directors will be shown as part of the JASGP event. The highlight of the festival is Sakura Sunday on April 15th at Fairmount Park's Horticultural Center. The cherry trees will be in full bloom and there will be food, entertainment, and free events throughout the day. New this year is a picnic tent rental with sushi catering for a private cherry blossom viewing party. You can e-mail Japan America Society at for more details. When you're there, don't forget to visit Shofuso, the Japanese House and Garden, just around the corner from the venue.

<Highlights of events April 9-April 22>:

  • The International Sake Tasting Festival of Greater Philadelphia, featuring sake from Japan's top brewers paired with delicacies from local restaurants. (April 11, 6:00-8:30PM, Loews Hotel, TEL.610-649-6330)

  • Sushi Spectacular, featuring nationally recognized master sushi chefs from Japan preparing ornate sushi creations. Guests have the opportunity to savor the atmosphere of a traditional Japanese sushi bar as the chefs prepare sushi tableside and personally serve each guest. (April 16, 6:00-8:30PM, Loews Hotel)

  • Tamagawa Taiko performances of taiko drumming and traditional dance. Featuring thunderous taiko drumming, Japanese folk music, and colorful dancing, Tamagawa Taiko's breathtaking performances have been acclaimed in Philadelphia, in the group's native Japan, and internationally. (April 10-13,16, various locations, see schedule)

  • Japanese Culture Week at Liberty Place, with free performances and demonstrations of traditional Japanese arts each day in the Liberty Place Rotunda.(12:00-2:00PM)

  • Sakura Sunday, an all-day event at Fairmount Park's Horticulture Center and tours of Shofuso, a 16th century Japanese house and garden. Visitors are also invited to picnic and celebrate the return of spring beneath the cherry blossoms.

  • Kimono in Japanese Culture II - Show & Music, a kimono fashion show where many spectacular kimonos will be shown in the context of festivities and daily life in Japan. (April 19, 2:00-6:00PM, Philadelphia Ethical Society, TEL.215-840-4645)




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